Dr. Sunshine’s
14 Day Guided Cleanse

May 13 - 27 2024

Next Cleanse Dates :

Join Dr. Ervin in a guided 14 day smoothie cleanse for a holistic mind body reset for the long-term.

Come join us !
Sign-up by APRIL 26

improved energy levels, weight loss, skin problems, sleep patterns, clear thinking…

The benefits of regular cleansing are endless. By supporting our bodies' ability to eliminate toxins, we can address the buildup of inflammation manifesting as various health issues such as persistent pain, recurring headaches, cognitive fog, hormonal imbalances, unwanted weight gain, and an increased susceptibility to chronic diseases. These symptoms not only disrupt our well-being but can also hinder our ability to lead a fulfilling and vibrant life.

Dr. Sunshine's 14-day guided cleanse offers an ideal opportunity to take a break from our inflammatory practices and allow our bodies to heal, promoting lasting positive changes for our long-term health.

What’s inside your Shine Cleanse Kit ?

  • 2 meal replacement shake powders for 14 days

  • Physician-grade supplements to support healthy detoxification

  • Cleanse prep zoom meeting with Dr. Ervin

  • 2 guidance videos

  • One healthy meal plan a day (w/o grains, dairy, caffeine, or sugar)

  • Mind body self care practices

  • Detailed cleanse guide with supplement schedule

  • App access with daily cleanse guide

Prep zoom meeting will be held…

Monday, May 6th @ 5:30-6:15PM PT

I would highly recommend this cleanse experience. It had been gentle and nourishing, reminding myself that I prioritize my health because this vessel deserves to be loved up on! The more I take care of myself, the more I’m able to give.

-spring cleanse client 2022

I would encourage anyone that wants to reset their mind and body. This is possible for anyone to accomplish and in the end you’ll probably want to continue as you’ll see the positive changes you are capable of making. Do it !

-spring cleanse client 2022


What can I eat when I’m on the 14-day Spring Cleanse?

Apart from your 2 provided meal replacement shakes a day, you will also have snacks and lunch. Your cleanse guide will give you a comprehensive list of what foods are allowed and what to avoid. 

You will be allowed to eat most meat and vegetables. Most fresh fruits are ok (no citrus nor bananas). Beans are allowed as well as rice (brown, wild, basmati). Millet, amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat are all allowed. Nuts- raw almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, pistachios, walnuts are all in.

What foods do I need to avoid while on the cleanse?

You will be replacing breakfast and dinner with a meal replacement shake- which can be blended with any of the allowed fruits and vegetables. You will discontinue all caffeine items, all alcohol, all sugars (including honey, maple, and agave), dairy, pork, soy, peanuts, desserts, processed/packaged food (rice cakes and rice crackers are both allowed), gluten, citrus, bananas, corn, and potatoes. 

This diet generally will follow the anti-yeast, anti-inflammatory, reset diet that is famous for healing the gut and improving chronic issues. Your cleanse guide (printed and app) will give you a comprehensive list of what foods are allowed and what to avoid.

Join us for a future cleanse !

Sign-up to receive cleanse dates and program discounts.